Issue 26.
In our twenty-sixth issue, we highlight an author as beloved as he is groundbreaking: Rodrigo Fresán, with a dossier edited by María José Navia. We also feature powerful statements from Nicaraguan writers forced into exile, a new section dedicated to world literature from the pages of our parent publication, World Literature Today, and the winner of our first annual literary essay contest, Mexican writer Olivia Teroba, with her essay “Money and Writing.” This new issue closes with exclusive translation previews and reflections on the art of translation from Kristin Dykstra and Erín Moure, as well as homages to Victoria de Stefano and Jorge Edwards, essential voices of Latin American letters whom we lost this year.
Table of Contents
Editor's Note
Featured Author: Rodrigo Fresán
Dossier: Nicaraguan Writers in Exile
First Annual LALT Literary Essay Contest
World Literature from WLT
Indigenous Literature
In Memoriam
Translation Previews and New Releases
Nota Bene
Book Reviews