University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Photo: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, May 2018
Roberto Cantú was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. He is Professor Emeritus of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies, and Professor Emeritus of English at California State University, Los Angeles. He teaches courses on the European novel (Cervantes to Balzac), literary theory, and on Latin American, Mexican, and Chicana/o literature. He has numerous publications in his areas of interest, and is the editor of Border Folk Balladeers: Critical Studies on Américo Paredes (2018); The Forked Juniper: Critical Perspectives on Rudolfo Anaya (2016); Equestrian Rebels: Critical Perspectives on Mariano Azuela and the Novel of the Mexican Revolution (2016); The Reptant Eagle: Essays on Carlos Fuentes and the Art of the Novel (2015); The Willow and the Spiral: Essays on Octavio Paz and the Poetic Imagination (2014); An Insatiable Dialectic: Essays on Critique, Modernity, and Humanism (2013), and Tradition and Innovation in Mesoamerican Cultural History (2011). Cantú also edited the following: Piel menos mía, by Octavio Armand, in a special issue of the literary journal Escolios: Revista de literatura, 1976); the bilingual edition (English/Spanish) of La raza cόsmica/The Cosmic Race, by José Vasconcelos (1979), and translated José Antonio Villarreal’s novel Pocho from English to Spanish (1994). In 1990 he received the Outstanding Professor Award at Cal State LA. In 2010 he was recognized at his campus with the President’s Distinguished Professor Award. He is currently editing a book on Mexican poet and essayist Alfonso Reyes, to be titled A Scholiast's Quill: New Critical Essays on Alfonso Reyes (forthcoming).
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037