University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Renata Machado Tupinambá was born in Niterói/Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Her Tupi name is Aratykyra. The founder of Originárias Produções, she is a journalist, screenwriter, curator, poet, and multidisciplinary artist. Since 2005, she has worked to share indigenous cultures with pioneering projects in ethno-communications, music, arts, and film, among other media. She has published poetic texts in various anthologies, such as Heloísa Teixeira’s As 29 poetas hoje, as well as sound poetry and dub poetry. In 2019, she co-created and curated Brazil’s first festival of contemporary indigenous music. She was also associate curator of the MASP for the Histórias Indígenas exhibition. She researches indigenous knowledge and philosophies and has worked on initiatives such as Acessibilindígena. She created the “Originárias” series and forms part of the Rede Audiovisual de Mulheres Indígenas Katarine. She is also part of the Útero Amotara Zabelê, a human development lab on Tupinambá land in Bahia. She is the general director of Guanabara Pyranga, a cultural exchange program between people of different nations and origins for the preservation of memory and the appreciation of histories and cultures.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037