University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Photo: Victor Raggio
Ramiro Sanchiz (Montevideo, 1978) is a critic, translator, and author of more than twenty books. His latest novels are La anomalía 17 (Buenos Aires, Libros del Cosmonauta, 2023), Ahab (Santiago de Chile, Editorial Pan, 2022), and Un pianista de provincias (Random House, 2022). He has also published the essays Matrix acelerada (Barcelona, Holobionte, 2022) and David Bowie: posthumanismo sónico (Barcelona, Holobionte, 2020), as well as the books of theory-fiction Guitarra Negra (Montevideo, Estuario Editora, 2019) and Ejercicios de dactilografía (Montevideo, Pez en el hielo, 2022). His other novels include Las imitaciones (Bogotá, Vestigio, 2019) and Verde (Montevideo, Fin de Siglo, 2016). His stories and essays have appeared in anthologies including Visiones 2022 (Madrid, AEFCFT, 2023), Latinoamérica editada (Santiago de Chile, Tríada Ediciones, 2022), Recalibrando los circuitos de la máquina (Valencia, Albatros, 2022), El tercer mundo después del sol (Minotauro, 2021), and Cíborgs, zombis y quimeras (Barcelona, Holobionte, 2020). As a translator, he has specialized in accelerationism, speculative realism, and experimental literature, translating texts by Mark Fisher, Sadie Plant, Amy Ireland, Nick Land, Alan Mills, Mike Corrao, and Ansgar Allen, among other authors.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037