University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Emiliano Monge (Mexico, 1978) is a political scientist and writer. He has published the books of short stories Arrastrar esa sombra (2008), short-listed for the Antonin Artaud Prize and La superficie más honda (2017); the novels El cielo árido (2012), winner of the XXVIII Jaen Novel Prize and of the Otras Voces, Otros Ámbitos Prize, Las tierras arrasadas (2015), winner of the Elena Poniatowska Iberoamerican Novel Prize and the English PEN Award, and No contar todo (2018), Fine Arts Prize for Narrative to a Published Work, as well as the children’s book Los insectos invisibles (2013). Some of his short stories have appeared in the anthologies Lo desorden (Alfaguara, 2013) and Mexico20, New Voices, Old Traditions (2015). In 2011 he was recognized by the Guadalajara International Book Fair as one of the 25 most important writers in Latin America, the Hay Festival and the British Council selected him among the 20 essential Mexican writers, and in 2017 he was selected as one of the 39 best Latin American writers under 39 by the Hay Festival in Bogotá. He is a regular contributor to the newspaper El País. His works have been translated into several languages. He lives in Mexico City.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037