poems about light and shadow
Light and Shadow Make Up the House
María Tabares
Without them it wouldn’t be what it is:
the open mouth of a wolf,
the apathetic look of an eye socket.
Light combusts,
cooking laughter and meals.
Shadow hides, in the closets, dresses
that, like handkerchiefs,
have been wiping off tears and fears for centuries.
Both light and shadow battle for life.
Amidst the combat, children fall into their arms
who are crying for the first time
and parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents,
dogs, cats, and various birds are all devoured.
The house, never still, creaks and shakes,
and with its walls like sails
moves through time.
We, inside the house, are just dust
that some wind blows along now and then,
and disappears.
Author María Tabares
Translated by María Clara Cadavid