University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Manuel Tzoc is an interdisciplinary poet and visual artist whose poet work serves as a matrix to unite diverse aesthetic language languages in the creation of a work. His craft focuses on re-signifying objects through written poetry, exploring all of the book’s aesthetic possibilities, and giving it the status of a visual object. He seeks to experiment with the word and the object. He’s self-taught through workshops, certificates, and his readings in contemporary art and literature. His literary works include Esco-p(o)etas para una muerte en ver(sos) b-a…l…a (Folio 114, Guatemala, 2006), De Textos Insanos (Santa Muerte Cartonera, México, 2009), GAY(0) (Milena- Caserola, Argentina 2010), El Ebrio Mar y Yo (s.o.p.a. , Guatemala, 2011), el trabajo poético/teatral en conjunto con Cecilia Porras El Jardín de los Infantes Locos y la Escafandra de Oro (Catafixia Editorial, Guatemala 2013), y los libros-objeto Polen (edición de autor, Guatemala 2014) y Cuerpo de Niño Triste (edición de autor, Guatemala 2015) Constante huida: crimen de un corazón que no recuerdo y/o pronunciamientos del habla tartamuda (Catafixia Editorial, Guatemala 2016). He is co-editor of the fanzine Macha and La Maleta Ilegal Press. His work has been published in magazines and anthologies throughout the Américas. His visual work has been exhibited in venues such as Se Alquila (Ciudad de Guatemala, 2014), Western Carolina University’s Fine Art Museum (USA, 2015), Rarities (France, 2016), and the Luciano Benetton Foundation Art Collection (Italy, 2016).
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037