University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
José Natividad Ic Xec is from the town of Peto (Peet Uj, “Halo of the Moon”) in the far south of Yucatán. He studied education and philosophy and has always worked in journalism and teaching. He is currently a translator, a cultural journalist, and a teacher of Maya literature at the Centro Estatal de Bellas Artes. In 2012, CIESAS published his book of stories La mujer sin cabeza y otros cuentos mayas. In 2013, he published the ebook Flor curativa: el milagro de la medicina de los mayas. His book U kahlay katunob: Crónicas mayas, a text written in colonial Maya that is essential for an understanding of the distant history of the Maya people, is now in print. He created the websites elchilambalam.com in 2012 and mayapolitikon.com in 2013, both of which he continues to update.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037