University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Fernando Ampuero, Peruvian author of short stories and novels, poet, journalist, and playwright, was born in Lima in 1949. His literary work includes the novels Caramelo verde [Green candy] (1992), Puta linda [Pretty whore] (2006), Hasta que me orinen los perros [Until the dogs piss on me] (2008), and Loreto (2014), which make up his Cuarteto de Lima [Lima quartet] (2019), and the novles El peruano imperfecto [The imperfect Peruvian ] (2011) and Sucedió entre dos párpados [It happened between two eyelids] (2015), as well as the short story collections Paren el mundo que acá me bajo [Stop the world, I'm getting off here] (1972), Deliremos juntos [Let's rave together] (1975), Malos modales [Bad manners] (1994), Bicho raro [Weirdo] (1996), Mujeres difíciles, hombres benditos [Difficult women, blessed men] (2005), Cuentos [Stories] (2013), Íntimos y salvajes [Intimate and savage] (2017), Lobos solitarios y otros cuentos [Lone wolves and other stories] (2018), Mientras arden los sueños [While the dreams burn] (2019), and Jamás en la vida [Never in my life] (2019). Other works of his include: Antología personal [Personal anthology] (2012), the books of notes and essays Gato encerrado [Locked-in cat] (1987), Viaje de ida [One-way trip] (2012) and Tambores invisibles [Invisible drums] (2015), the novelized chronicles that make up his memoirs, El enano, historia de una enemistad [The dwarf, history of an emnity] (2001) and La Bruja de Lima [The witch of Lima] (2018), the stage plays Arresto domiciliario, comedia feroz [House arrest, a fierce comedy] (2003) and Un fraude epistolar, tragicomedia [An epistolary fraud, a tragicomedy] (2014), and the verse collections Voces de luna llena [Voices of the full moon] (1998) and 40 poemas [40 poems] (2010), a compilation of his poems. Fernando Ampuero's work has been translated to many languages, and he was awarded the 2018 Premio FIL Lima de Literatura.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037