anoint my skin
wash my eyes.
My night opens
for you.
My wandering.
This endless erring
haunts me.
What voices
from what skies
do you bring to me?
What god
that I don’t hear?
Translated by Luis Rafael Galvez
Amparo Osorio (Bogotá, Colombia, 1951) is a poet, author, essayist, and journalist. She has published the following books: Huracanes de sueños (1983-1984); Gota ebria (1987); Territorio de máscaras (1990); the anthology La casa leída (1996); Migración de la ceniza (1998); Omar Rayo Geometría iluminada (interview, 2001); Antología esencial (Común Presencia Editores, Bogotá, 2001); Memoria absuelta (Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá, Colombia 2004); Memoria absuelta (Lustra editores, Lima, Perú 2008); the anthology Estación profética (2010), Grandes entrevistas de Común Presencia (co-author, Bicentennial Literature Prize, Común Presencia Editores, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010); Oscura música (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia 2013), the novel Itinerarios de la sangre (Común Presencia Editores, Bogotá, Colombia, 2014) and La caída interior (Común Presencia Editores, Bogotá, Colombia 2017). She is managing editor of the journal Común Presencia and the co-founder, along with Gonzalo Márquez Cristo, of the electronic weekly Con-fabulación, where she is currently the director. She is also the co-director of the Los Conjurados International Literature collection, which has published 123 titles across the genres of poetry, essay, short story, novel, crónica, and testimonio.
Privilege. He could feel the word in his mouth, as it made the same movements it would make to taste and swallow a spoonful of frosting.
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