Robert Con
Dr. Robert Con Davis-Undiano is Executive Director for the World Literature Today organization, overseeing all of its operations including Chinese Literature Today, World Literature Today in Chinese, and Latin American Literature Today. He is Neustadt Professor in Literature and the director of the Latino Studies Program at the University of Oklahoma. He also provides leadership at OU’s College of Liberal Studies and the OU Southwest Center for Human Relations Studies. He is the host of the Current Conversations TV show on OETA (public television) and KGOU (radio). His most recent book is Mestizos Come Home! Making and Claiming Mexican American Identity (Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2017).
Marcelo Rioseco is a poet, fiction writer, and essayist. His first verse collection Ludovicos o la aristocracia del universo (Editorial Universitaria, 1995) won the Revista de Libros prize, awarded the Chilean journal El Mercurio. He has published the following books of poetry: Espejo de enemigos (Uqbar Ediciones, 2010), La vida doméstica (Cuarto Propio, 2016), which won the Premio Academia for the best literary work published in Chile that year, the bilingual collection 2323 Stratford Ave. (Valparaíso Ediciones, 2018), and Olivia en los suburbios (Valparaíso Ediciones, 2020). Other publications include the anthology of contemporary poetry dedicated to Chile titled CHILE: Poesía contemporánea (Ediciones Litoral, 2000), and, in collaboration with Armando Roa Vial, the book of translations This be the verse: 25 poetas de habla inglesa (Be-uve-dráis Editores, 2002). Marcelo also worked in television as a creative assistant for La belleza de pensar, Santiago’s leading cultural program, on which over three hundred Latin American writers were interviewed. In radio, he was a co-moderator of Barrio Latino, a radio program sponsored by WRCT 88.5 F.M. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Gutiérrez Plaza
Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza is a poet, essayist, professor, and researcher. He has published the verse collections Al margen de las hojas (Monte Ávila, 1991), De espaldas al río (El pez soluble, 1999), Principios de Contabilidad (Conaculta, 2000), Pasado en Limpio (CEquinoccio, bid&co, 2006), Cuidados intensivos (Lugar Común, 2014), Cartas de renuncia (La Poeteca, 2020), El cangrejo ermitaño (Visor/FCU, 2020), and Intensive Care (Alliteration, 2020). His awards include the Most Outstanding Literature Artist 2016 Award from the Hispanic Arts Council of Oklahoma, the Taft Grant from the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center of the University of Cincinnati, and the Premio Hispanoamericano de Poesía Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. He earned his PhD from the University of Cincinnati and is a professor emeritus of the Universidad Simón Bolívar. He has taught at various universities in Latin America and the United States, and is currently a visiting professor at the University of Oklahoma.
Malcolm Dixon
Arthur Malcolm Dixon is a translator, editor, interpreter, and occasional writer from Ardmore, Oklahoma. He earned BAs in History and Spanish from the University of Oklahoma followed by an MA in Spanish from the same university. He is co-founder and Managing Editor of Latin American Literature Today. He has translated a wide range of writers and genres, with particular interest in the work of Indigenous authors and the uniquely Latin American variety of literary journalism known as crónica. His book-length translations to date include the novels Immigration: The Contest by Carlos Gámez Pérez and There Are Not So Many Stars by Isaí Moreno, both published by Katakana Editores, along with the verse collection Intensive Care by Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza, published by Alliteration. Arthur also works as a community interpreter in Tulsa and is a Tulsa Artist Fellow.
Denise Kripper is Associate Professor of Spanish in the Modern Languages & Literatures Department at Lake Forest College. Her research interests include Latin American Literature and Translation Studies. She has a PhD in Literature & Cultural Studies from Georgetown University and a BA in Translation from the Lenguas Vivas Institute in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is the author of the monograph Narratives of Mistranslation: Fictional Translators in Latin American Literature (Routledge, 2023) and the co-editor, with Delfina Cabrera, of The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Literary Translation (Routledge, 2023). She has worked extensively as an interpreter and audiovisual translator, and her literary translations and academic work on translation have been featured in World Literature Today, Asymptote, Farlag, Mutatis Mutandis, and Trans: Revista de Traductología, among other publications. Her latest book-length translations into Spanish include the children’s book La piel en la que vives by Michael Tyler, illustrated by David Csicsko (Chicago Children’s Museum, 2022) and the memoir in essays by Melissa Febos, Nena (Chai Editora, 2022). She is currently working on the translation of Argentine writer Adriana Riva’s debut novel Salt, forthcoming in English via Veliz Books. She lives in Chicago, where she’s a founding member of the Third Coast Translators Collective.
Néstor Mendoza is a poet, essayist, and editor. He has published four verse collections to date: Andamios (Equinoccio, Caracas, 2012, winner of the fourth Premio Nacional Universitario de Literatura 2011); Pasajero (Dcir Ediciones, Caracas, 2015); Ojiva (El Taller Blanco Ediciones, Bogotá, 2019, also published in German as Sprengkopf (Hochroth Heidelberg, 2019), translated by Michael Ebmeyer); and Dípticos (Editorial Seshat, Bogotá, 2020). He was a finalist for the first Concurso Nacional de Poesía Joven Rafael Cadenas in 2016. He compiled the anthology of Colombian poetry Nos siguen pegando abajo (LP5 Editora, Chile, 2020). He also serves on the editorial board of Poesía (Valencia, Venezuela). His poetry has been included in several international anthologies, including Nubes: Poesía hispanoamericana (Pre-Textos, Spain, 2019), Espacio, me has vencido: Antología de poesía hispanoamericana (El Ángel Editor, Ecuador, 2021), and Voces orquídeas: Muestra de poesía venezolana contemporánea (Fundación Pablo Neruda, Chile, 2021).
Maily Sequera is a social communicator, publicist, musician, writer, and designer. She has taught university classes on publicity, editorial design, and web design, and is a technical instructor on Adobe products, WordPress, e-commerce tools, and social media. She currently leads creative studio Lumínica, where she has worked for commercial brands, artists, and online editorial projects such as POESIA, Abisinia Review, Kavrial Editorial, and Latin American Literature Today.
Audiovisual Production

Carolina Rueda has published articles on contemporary Latin American cinema (the urban setting, traumatic memory, genre, and transnational cinema). She is the author of the book City and Phantasmagoria: Urban Latin American Cinema in the Twenty-First Century) (Editorial Cuarto Propio, Chile, 2019) and the director of the feature film Oklahoma Mon Amour (released February 8, 2021), which has been awarded at several international film festivals. She also co-founded, directed, and edited weekly segments for LatinEyes, an Emmy Award-winning television program that focused on Latin American culture so as to break down stereotyped images of Hispanic people living in the United States. In 2005, she co-produced the Colombian feature film Visitas, which premiered at the Montreal World Film Festival and was exhibited at several other venues. Carolina has taught history, theory, and production. Her teaching focus is Latin American cinema and film editing, theory, and practice.

Gustavo Valle was born in Caracas in 1967 and now lives in Buenos Aires. He has published books of poetry: Materia de otro mundo (2003) and Ciudad imaginaria (2005); chronicle: La paradoja de Itaca (2006) and El país del escritor (2015); and novels: Bajo tierra (2009) and Happening (2014). He has twice been awarded the Premio de la Crítica in Venezuela, as well as the Adriano González León novel prize and the Premio Transgenérico awarded by the Fundación para la Cultura Urbana. His screenplays “El libro que no ganó el concurso” and “Peones” were selected by the Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía, CNAC. He works with various print and digital media outlets in Argentina, Venezuela, and Spain.

Óscar Daniel
Óscar Daniel Campo Becerra (Barrancabermeja, Colombia, 1985) is a writer and professor. Días hábiles (2020), his first novel, was recently published in Spain and Colombia. In 2013, he won the Ciudad de Bogotá Award with the short story book Los aplausos (2014). He coordinated the writing and publication of two collective books of historical memory along with a grassroot organization: Vidas de historia: Una memoria literaria de la Organización Femenina Popular (2016) and Escrituras del desarraigo: Historias de vida, Floridablanca-Santander (2019). Since 2018, he has formed part of the Museum Advisory Committee in the Museo Casa de la Memoria de las Mujeres y de los Derechos Humanos. He is currently part of the organizing committee of the 3ra Feria Latinx del Libro (2019). He is also co-founder and editor of the independent publishing house, Himpar Editores.

Alejandra Jaramillo Morales is a writer from Bogotá. She has published four novels, La ciudad sitiada (2006), Acaso la muerte (2010), Magnolias para una infiel (2017), and Mandala (2017, a digital writing project that can be read in multiple ways), as well as three short story collections: Variaciones sobre un tema inasible (2009), Sin remitente (2012), and Las grietas (2017). Her new novel, Las lectoras, will be published in 2021 and is her first foray into the historical novel. She has published two young adult novels, Martina y la carta del monje Yukio (2015) and El canto del manatí (2019), with Loqueleo press. She teaches in the Department of Literature and the master’s program in Creative Writing of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Victor Vimos is an anthropologist currently studying in the Ph.D. program at The Ohio State University. His book Acta de Fundación received the second Premio Internacional de Poesía Pedro Lastra in 2020.

Christian Elguera is a Lecturer in Spanish at The University of Oklahoma and a visiting professor at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru). He has a PhD in Iberian and Latin American Languages and Literatures from The University of Texas at Austin. His research is concerned with the production and circulation of cultural translations by and about Amerindian peoples from the 16th century to present in Abiayala, particularly in Andean and Amazonian areas. His forthcoming monograph, Traducciones territoriales: defensoras y defensores de tierras indígenas en Perú y Brasil, analyzes poems, chronicles, radio programs, and paintings enacted by Quechua, Munduruku, Yanomami, and Ticuna subjects in order to defy the dispossessions, extermination, and ecocides promoted by the Peruvian and Brazilian States. Alongside his political interest in the struggles of Indigenous Nations, he researches the relationship between Marxism and the Peruvian Avant-Garde Poetry of the 1920s and 1930s. In this regard, he will publish the book El marxismo gótico de Xavier Abril: decadencia y revolución transnacional en El autómata (Ediciones MYL, 2021).

Héctor Iván
Héctor Iván González (Mexico City, 1980) earned his master’s in French Language and Literature from UNAM. From 2012 to 2013, he was a “Young Creators” fellow of the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA). He compiled La escritura poliédrica: Ensayos sobre Daniel Sada (Tierra Adentro, 2012) and, with Adriana Jiménez, El Temple deslumbrante: Antología de textos no narrativos de Daniel Sada (Posdata Editores, 2014). He published the books of essays Menos constante que el viento (Abismos Editorial, 2015) and La literatura comprometida y Jean-Paul Sartre: Una reflexión sobre el fenómeno literario y lo político (UANL, 2018). He collaborates with publications including “El Cultural” in La Razón, “Voices of Mexico,” and Nexos. He co-translated Los escritores nómadas (Tusquets, 2017) by Philippe Ollé-Laprune. He translated the novel Monarcas by Sébastien Rutés and Juan Hernández Luna (FCE, 2019). He also developed the script of the short film Stevenson: exiliado, based on the novel by Guillermo Fadanelli. He recently published Los grandes hits de Shanna McCullough, from Dieci7iete Editorial in Monterrey.

César Ferreira is Professor of Latin American Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is a member of the Academia Peruana de las Letras and serves on the editorial board of World Literature Today. His most recent publication is the volume Narrar lo invisible: aproximaciones al mundo literario de Sara Mesa (2020). In 2020 he received an Honoris Causa from the Universidad Ricardo Palma in Peru.

Rafael Courtoisie is a writer, translator, and university professor. He is a member of Uruguay’s Academia Nacional de Letras, a corresponding member of the Real Academia Española, and a participant in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. He has received prestigious awards in recognition of his work as a novelist, poet, and critic in Mexico, Spain, Cuba, Uruguay, and Israel. He has translated Shakespeare, Raymond Carver, Emily Dickinson, Valerio Magrelli, Mario Luzi, etc. His published novels include Caras extrañas, Santo Remedio, La novela del cuerpo, and El libro de la desobediencia. His recent verse collections are Antología Invisible (2018), El libro transparente (2019), Antología Inventada (2020), and Aforismos del desterrado (2020). He has been a visiting professor at universities in the United States, Latin America, and Europe.

A writer and Ph.D. professor at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan, Roberto Brodsky was born in Chile and has lived in New York since 2019, where he moved from Washington D.C. after ten years of teaching as Faculty Adjunct and Visiting Researcher at the Center for Latin American Studies of Georgetown University. He has published the novels Casa chilena (Penguin Random House, 2015), Veneno (Random House, 2012), Bosque quemado (Random House, 2008, Premio Jaén España, Premio Municipal de Santiago, and Premio Nuez Marín de la Escuela de Letras de la UC), El arte de callar (Sudamericana, 2004), Últimos días de la historia (Ediciones B, 2001), and El peor de los héroes (Alfaguara, 1999). He co-wrote the screenplays of the films Machuca (A. Wood, 2004) and Mi vida con Carlos (G. Berger, 2009), among other audiovisual works. He has published the volume of essays Adiós a Bolaño (Rialta, 2018) and La casa que falta: Enrique Lihn en los años ’80 (Peter Lang, 2021).

George Henson is the translator of many of Latin America’s most important writers, including Cervantes laureates Sergio Pitol (The Art of Flight, The Journey, The Magician of Vienna, and Mephisto’s Waltz: Selected Short Stories) and Elena Poniatowska (The Heart of the Artichoke). His translation of Pitol’s novel The Love Parade will be published in 2021 by Deep Vellum Publishing. His translation of John Better’s story “The Brevity of Cigarettes” can be read here. In addition to serving as a translation editor-at-large for Latin American Literature Today, he is an assistant professor of Spanish Translation at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey.

Daniel joined the staff of World Literature Today in 2002. A Nebraska native, he received his MA (1994) and PhD (2000) in comparative literature—with an emphasis in translation studies—from Indiana University, Bloomington. At OU, in addition to his work at WLT, he teaches for the Department of English and serves on the affiliate faculty of the Department of International & Area Studies and the Schusterman Center for Judaic & Israel Studies. A poet and translator, his books of poems include Cast Off (2015) and After Reading Everything (2016). His edited volume, Nebraska Poetry: A Sesquicentennial Anthology, 1867–2017, received a 2018 Nebraska Book Award, and his newest edited collection, Dispatches from the Republic of Letters: 50 Years of the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, is now available from Deep Vellum. Daniel’s poems have been nominated for multiple prizes, including seven Pushcarts and translated into five languages.

Latin American Literature Today is a proud recipient of the 2021 Whiting Literary Magazine Prize in the digital category, and is published with the support of World Literature Today; the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma; and the Program for the Translation of Chilean Works Abroad, sponsored by the Cultural Affairs Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile