University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Mercedes Roffé is one of the most widely recognized voices in current Argentine poetry on an international scale. Originally published in Spain and Latin America, her books have been published in translation in Italy, Canada, Romania, France, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Lebanon, and the United States. 2017 saw the publication of her anthologies El Michaux (tintas) y otros poemas (Puebla, BUAP), Todo alumbra (Quito, El Ángel), Antología poética (San Juan de Puerto Rico, Trabalis), and El desierto y el oro (Santiago de Chile, RIL/Aérea). In 2018, Monte Ávila press published her anthology Mansión nocturna. She has published two books of flash essays, Glosa continua: Ensayos de poética (Buenos Aires, Excursiones, 2018) and Prosas fugaces (Buenos Aires, Las Furias, 2022). She has directed Ediciones Pen Press since 1998. In 2022, the Editorial de la Universidad de Villa María (Córdoba) published Iluminado artificio: Ensayos sobre la obra de Mercedes Roffé, compiled by Eugenia Straccali. She has been awarded the John Simon Guggenheim (2001) and the Civitella Ranieri (2012) grants, among other distinctions. Since 1995, she has lived and worked between Buenos Aires and New York.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037