University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
João Paulo Cuenca is a Brazilian writer, born in Rio de Janeiro in 1978. He is the author of five books, translated into eight languages. His latest novel, Descobri que Estava Morto, was awarded the Machado de Assis Prize of the Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, and served as the basis of the feature film A Morte de J.P. Cuenca, shown at more than fifteen international festivals. In 2007, he was selected by the Hay Festival as one of the 39 most outstanding young authors of Latin America, and in 2012 he was selected by British magazine Granta as one of the twenty best Brazilian novelists under forty. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in the Literary Theory and Comparative Literature Program of the University of São Paulo, in conjunction with the University of Cologne.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037