University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Eduardo Antonio Parra earned his degree in Letters from the Universidad Regiomontana (1987). He was awarded the Juan Rulfo International Short Story Prize in 2000. He is a Guggenheim Foundation grant recipient (2001) and a member of the SNCA (2001). His books have been translated to English, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Polish. In 2009, his short stories were collected in Sombras detrás de la ventana, which won the 2010 Antonin Artaud Literature Prize, and in 2014 Desterrados won the José Fuentes Mares National Literature Prize. In November 2019, Literatura Random House published his novel Laberinto, which won the 2020 INBA-Colima national fiction prize. He is the author of Los límites de la noche (1996), Tierra de nadie (1999), Nadie los vio salir (2001), Parábolas del silencio (2006), Desterrados (2013), and Ángeles, putas, santos y mártires (2014), the novels Nostalgia de la sombra (2002) and El rostro de piedra (2008, 2017), and the collection Norte: Una antología (2016).
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037