University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Cristian Cruz was born in San Felipe, Chile in 1973. He has published the books Pequeño País (poems, 2000, Ediciones Casa de Barro), Fervor del Regreso (poems, 2002, Ediciones del Temple), Papeles en el Claroscuro (literary chronicles, 2003, Ediciones Gobierno de Valparaíso), La Fábula y el Tedio (poems, 2003, Ediciones Don Bosco), Reducciones (poems, 2008, Ediciones Fuga), Dónde iremos esta noche (poems, 2015, Ediciones Inubicalistas), Entre el cielo y la tierra (anthology, 2015, Mago Editores), and La aldea de Kiang después de la muerte (poems, 2017, Ediciones Casa de Barro). Along with the poet Ricardo Herrera, in 2005 he published Bar. Antología de poesía chilena. He is the editor of Felices Escrituras, poetas chilenos pensando una provincia (essay and poetry, 2019, various authors, Ediciones Basa de Barro). In 2003 he received the Alerce Prize of the Sociedad de Escritores de Chile for the book La Fábula y el Tedio. He has been included in various Chilean and international anthologies.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037