University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Photo: © Rodrigo Valero
Andrés Neuman (1977) was born and spent his youth in Buenos Aires. The son of exiled Argentine musicians, he moved with his family to Granada, Spain, where he later taught Latin American literature at the University of Granada. He has received the Premio de la Crítica, the Antonio Carvajal and Hiperión Prizes for poetry, the Premio Alfaguara de Novela, and the Firecracker Award, granted by the U.S. community of journals, independent presses, and bookstores. He was a finalist for the Premio Herralde and received special mention from the jury of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize, the forerunner of the Man Booker International Prize. He was selected by the British journal Granta as one of the most outstanding new fiction writers in Spanish. Dedicated to poetry since his beginnings as a writer, he is the author of verse collections such as El tobogán, Mística abajo, No sé por qué, and Vivir de oído, all anthologized in his most recent title: Casa fugaz (Poesía 1998-2018). He has published the novels Bariloche, La vida en las ventanas, Una vez Argentina, El viajero del siglo (Traveler of the Century), Hablar solos (Talking to Ourselves), and Fractura (Fracture); books of short stories like Alumbramiento and Hacerse el muerto; the satirical dictionary Barbarismos; the Latin American travelogue Cómo viajar sin ver (How to Travel without Seeing); and the heterodox treatise on the body Anatomía sensible. His books have been translated to more than twenty languages.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037