University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Ruperta Bautista Vázquez is a Tsotsil Maya community educator, writer, anthropologist, translator, and actress from San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. She is the author of the poetry books: Me’on ts’ibetik / Letras humildes (2020); Xojobal Jalob te’ / Telar Luminario (2013); Realtà non necessaria (Italy, 2009); Xchamel Ch’ul Balamil / Eclipse en la madre tierra (2008, republished 2014); Ch’iel k’opojelal / Vivencias (2003); Palabra conjurada, cinco Voces cinco Cantos (Coautora,1999); and Indigenous Children: We are Not to Blame (stage play). Her work forms part of the anthologies: Yenerevista.com (Santiago de Chile, 2021); The Funambulist 15 Clothing Politics #2 (Paris, France, 2018); Chiapas Maya Awakening: Contemporary Poems and Short Stories (University of Oklahoma, 2017); Antología de poesía de mujeres indígenas de América Latina (Quito, ESTACION SUR 2011); Jaime Sabines 83 aniversario, 83 poetas (CONECULTA 2009); Poètes indiens du Chiapas (Paris, 2007); and has appeared in Red Rock Review (Community College of Southern Nevada, 2003). Two of her poems have been set to music: “Jtij vobetik” (“Tamboreros”) and “Jsa’ ch’ulelal” (“Buscadora de Alma”). Her work has been translated into English, French, Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, and Swedish.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037