University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
María Julia Rossi is the author of Ficciones de emancipación: Los sirvientes literarios de Silvina Ocampo, Elena Garro y Clarice Lispector (Beatriz Viterbo, 2020). She co-edited the volumes Los de abajo: Tres siglos de sirvientes en el arte y la literatura de América Latina (UNR Editora, 2018) and José Bianco’s Epistolario (Eudeba, 2018), and has published several book chapters and articles on Southern Cone literature, women writers, manuscript studies, servants in fiction, and translation studies. Her two current research interests are translations of queer themed texts in the mid-twentieth century and motherhood in contemporary literature. María Julia is associate professor at John Jay College, CUNY.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037