University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Alejandro Oliveros (Valencia, Venezuela, 1948) is a poet, essayist, translator, and former professor of European literatures, now retired from the School of Letters of the Universidad Central de Venezuela and the Arturo Michelena School of Fine Arts. He is the author of several books of essays (Imágenes de Siena y Florencia, John Donne y la poesía del Barroco europeo; Imagen, objetividad y confesión. Ensayos sobre poesía norteamericana; Poetas de la tierra baldía; Las mismas aguas; Razones y ficciones) and of translations collected in the unpublished volume Voces ajenas. His poetry was compiled in Espacio en fuga (Poesías reunidas 1974-2010), published by Pre-Textos in 2012. The same press published his Poemas del cuerpo in 2016 and his Poemas de la luna líquida in 2021. Thirteen of the twenty-six volumes of his Diario literario, started in 1996, have been published by various presses. He is currently working on La corona y la muerte en Shakespeare, annotated translations of Julius Caesar, Richard III, and Macbeth, as well as the publication of a volume of his diaries, Páginas del diario literario 2019. He lives in Caracas and Milan.
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037