University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Luis Correa-Díaz is a Corresponding Member of the Academia Chilena de la Lengua, a poet, and a professor of Digital Humanities and Human Rights at the University of Georgia, U.S.A. He is also the author of several books and critical articles. His recent works include the dossiers: “Latin American, Spanish & Portuguese Literatures in the Digital Age: New technologies and the Literary” in the Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies 14 (2010-2011); “Muestrario de poesía digital latinoamericana” in AErea, Revista Hispanoamericana de Poesía (2016); the collective e-book Poesía y poéticas digitales/electrónicas/tecnos/New-Media en América Latina: Definiciones y exploraciones (Universidad Central, Bogotá, Colombia, 2016); and Novissima verba: huellas digitales/cibernéticas en la poesía latinoamericana (venidero). His verse collections are: >x:\enter script code: concreciones~ gabinete de física (venidero), clickable poem@s (2016), Cosmological Me (2010 and 2017), Mester de soltería (2006 and 2008), Diario de un poeta recién divorciado (2005), Divina Pastora (1998), Rosario de actos de habla (1993), Ojo de buey (1993), and Bajo la pequeña música de su pie (1990). He is a member of the editorial committees of various European, Latin American, and U.S. journals. He has been a visiting professor at the State University of New York (Albany), the Instituto Iberoamericano (Berlin), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the University of Liverpool, and the Universidad de Playa Ancha (Valparaíso, Chile). http://www.rom.uga.edu/directory/luis-correa-diaz-0
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037