University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037
Daniel Link is a writer and university professor. He has edited the work of Rodolfo Walsh (El violento oficio de escribir, Ese hombre y otros papeles personales) and published, among other books, the essay collections La chancha con cadenas, Cómo se lee (translated to Portuguese), Leyenda. Literatura argentina: cuatro cortes, Clases. Literatura y disidencia, Fantasmas. Imaginación y sociedad, Suturas. Imágenes, escritura, vida, and La lógica de Copi, as well as the novels Los años noventa, La ansiedad, Montserrat, and La mafia rusa, the verse collections La clausura de febrero y otros poemas malos and Campo intelectual y otros poemas, and his Teatro completo. In 2007, he premiered his first stage play, El amor en los tiempos del dengue, and in 2011 he published his first children’s book, Los artistas del bosque (Planta). In 2019, he published his recipe book Las cuatro estaciones. In 2021, Gallimard will publish the translation into French of La lectura, una vida...
University of Oklahoma
780 Van Vleet Oval
Kaufman Hall, Room 105
Norman, OK 73019-4037